A new education assessment is being conducted with 1,050 Uganda adolescents to determine if they have the necessary skills and tools to navigate the challenges of the world.
The participants are persons aged 13 to 17 both in and out of school. They are selected from 75 enumeration areas in Oyam, Jinja and Kasese districts.
What we are doing currently is testing the tool. Data that will be genearted from this assessment will help us to improve the tool, and it will also help us to generate evidence on how life skills can be assessed.
Ms Kandy Alum, ALiVE coordinator in Oyam District.
Generic skills or soft skills are a critical area of a learner’s education right from the beginning because it is going to format this learner into a person with a unique personality.
We are having a tool that was developed for the global North to put them in use within the region and yet we needed tools that are developed by us and for us that really depict a true picture of an East African in relation to life skills and values.
Ms Faridah Nassereka, ALiVE senior program officer.