Judith Nyakaisiki
Judith Nyakaisiki Tumusiime is the Communications Officer at Uwezo Uganda, a not-for-profit organisation working to promote equitable quality education in Uganda and beyond through assessing learning outcomes, conducting research, fostering partnerships and engage in evidence-based advocacy. Previously she was the Assistant Communications Officer of Uwezo at Twaweza East Africa. Judith is currently responsible for the effective communication of Uwezo assessment results between citizens and policy makers; raising the profile of Uwezo Uganda amongst various stakeholders and communicating Uwezo developments to the wider community through engagements. Judith is also supporting the implementation of the advocacy/engagement plan for the Action for Life Skills and Values in East Africa –AliVE, to create awareness of the importance of life skills and values and are supporting efforts to nurture them at various levels in Uganda. She has particular interest in communication for change to improve the lives of ordinary citizens.
- Uganda